Facebook becomes #2 for total time spent by its average user

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I stumbled upon an article with very interesting statistics based off of the average time any user spends on certain websites. This article then rated actual websites with Facebook users averaging 8 hours a month spent on the website. Compared to me I occasionally use social media to check up on people and to respond to posts. I tend to never spend more then 10 minutes on one sitting. How do you think you compare? The main reason I don’t like Facebook is because I feel like it tends to separate you from people. In my opinion I would much rather deal with people in person then over the internet. Multiple people I know will spend this much time and more in a week. Google is the number 1 website with the average user spending the most time on this website. It isn’t surprising to see Facebook surpass Google’s number one spot with these statistics. The expanding website will be one which people spend more time on when they visit because of the amount of related content you are exposed to. IMS is very related to this article because of the social media content which we are exposed to everyday that tends to become a major part of users lives. While Facebook is growing more and more, it has a much different way of surfing then Google, since Google while send you to other websites which are not related to Google anymore. That will be the difference when it comes to Facebook passing Google with the amount of time spent per average user.

Thailand Prime Minister’s Twitter Account Was Hacked

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I read quite an interesting article which involved the Prime Minister of Thailand who had a twitter account which was recently hacked. It wasn’t surprising that the hacker used his voice in the twitter account to share his opinions on this prime minister who had very debatable policies. The twitter account tweeted 8 messages criticizing the Prime Minister and her election which she had recently won. The Prime Minister was very similar to her brother who was removed from a military coup earlier in 2006. I find this to be incredibly interesting, as someone very intelligent was able to use Twitter to the disadvantage of the Prime Minister. Many people have an incredibly hard time sharing their opinion in other countries, especially with censorship. This person on the other hand used the website to his advantage. Sometimes people don’t realize many of these unintended consequences for using social media. People these days don’t tend to grasp the concept that what you do online can be seen by others and used towards the disadvantage of yourslef. In this case this is a perfect example. Since this concept uses social media it relates to IMS very easily. It’s going to be interesting to see more unintended consequences of people using social media in the future.

New Bill Cracks Down on Cyber Bullies

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I read an article that suddenly caught my attention because it was related to cyber-bullying. The interesting part about this is that a law would set boundaries and focus on cyber-bullies and the affect they have on people. The New York senator Jeffrey Klein introduced this new bill which out dates all other laws that have failed to punish bullies who use the internet as a catalyst. There is a sad amount of cases of teen suicides as aftermath to forms of cyber-bullying. With regards to the internet, laws have not kept up with the expansion of the internet and many social networks online. Klein mentions, “If people know there is a tough law on the books and they’re going to be punished, they are going to act accordingly.” This law in my opinion is something that needs to be enforced. There is no excuse for someone to bully another person over the internet. Any case of cyber-bullying to me is a way of venting out your own insecurities. With the expansion of the internet and social networking sites there is a great amount of bullying. IMS teaches me a lot about the benefits to the internet as well as the consequences of the system. Cyber-bullying is definitely an unintended consequence to the web. Because of these consequences there needs to be laws that keep up with the webs expansion.


Google Plus Increases by 1269% In a Week

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I read an article about Google Plus and how it had surprisingly increased of 1269% traffic in the last week. 15 million users were recorded going to the website, different from last weeks 1.1 million users. These numbers of traffic in Google Plus does not include mobile visits from any phone along with visits using the Google toolbar. The social network has gone from a rank of 15 in Hitwise’s social networking and forums to a rank of 8 out of all social networks. This jump is potentially what Google Plus needs to increase its users. Facebook announcing their multiple changes to the website drowned much of Google’s announcements but Google has a plan to be heard. Launching CityVille a Zynga application which is a very friendly application was launched yesterday along with multiple other features. Personally I felt that Google plus was not going to be a successful social networking besides the few people that wouldn’t use Facebook. It’s very surprising to see the network increase by such an exponential amount. This relates to IMS because Google Plus is a new form of social networking which involves your desktop to a greater degree. People are going to use Google Plus which can add almost anything online with the new network and its +1 button. People may happen to jump between networks and it will be very interesting to see the social networking impacts on each other.

Google’s Social Reading App

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With the growing world of ipads and any device with the capability to use applications, the whole digital world has been affected by its versatility. Apps are a new part of the digital age and have been a worthwhile investment with multiple companies. I read an article on ReadWriteWeb that Google intends on launching a new social reading type tablet application. The difference with this type of application is the versatility that will come along with it. Google’s intentions are to make a cross platform app which will be able to run on any tablet, any platform necessary. Social media has been easily passed across the internet and with a new app on both iOS and Android platform the ability to access readable information is going to be that much easier with this new app. The reason this article interests me is the way it relates to social media and the way information is spread. With tablets as a major growing market in the digital age this will become another major way the internet can spread to. This relates to IMS because tablets are starting to make information spread incredibly easy. It puts the media at our control and at our demand. Tablets are a next generation for information and google wants to take a major part in the industry. As our generation continues to progress the spread of information is limitless. Only time will show how tablets and apps will grow as the years go on.

Fanzila Changes Facebook Pages

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A new Fanzila application allows for any type of Facebook page to upgrade their versatility with multiple new features available. Fanzila has 20 multiple different brands using their payed services but now they are offering a more user friendly type content application which will be available to anyone. This new application will be fully self customizable  by anyone using the application, and it basically makes any Facebook page its own mini website. People can include on their Facebook pages blogs, video portals, wiki sites and photo galleries. These are just some of the many new features available when using Fanzila. This is very interesting to me because the user generated content is becoming easier and easier to demonstrate. Facebook is going to be almost multiple mini-websites and the access to do that is going to be in your fingertips. This relates to IMS because the growth of the web is happening so easily where people are going to have their own websites. The customization people can access is going to create it’s own web inside of Facebook with multiple pages for exchanging data. It going to be interesting to see what Facebook will look like in 2020.

10 Internet Technologies

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I happened to stumple upon quite a coincidental article about 1o Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About. The article started explaining ways to use the internet which could affect education in multiple ways. This consisted of blog posting, social networking tools, student response systems and polls and many more ways of using the web for education. This article is very interesting especially since it applies to what I am doing as of now. Blog posting is a simple yet very effective education tool which is used by IMS. I am in the generation where media is currently affecting my education and I can see it the most because of this great class I am taking. The 10 internet technologies easily relate to IMS because of what we are a part of every moment we open our web browsers. Without these technologies none of this would exist. IMS is taking these tools and using them for their advantages in education. Not just any education though, my education! I think that’s insane!

Social Media

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With the new age of social media there have been a great amount of impact on paid, owned and earned media in the digital age. The article found on Mashable describes how people play a major role with who is paid, what owns and who earns the income. This is quite interesting to me because we as a consumers  are not affected by the results of using this media. Most users have no idea about a lot behind social media. This relates to my IMS course because the internet has brought up a whole new generation of social media which has had one of the greatest impacts on the world.

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